Topics for 2024

Please add further suggestions in the comments and I will add them to the poll. (If you can’t see a place for comments, click on the header “Topics for 2024” then keep scrolling down to find it.)

Let’s make this our best year ever!

6 thoughts on “Topics for 2024”

  1. Hi Sheila — due to a series of unfortunate events, I’ve been out of touch for several weeks this month and just saw this. One of these events was replacement of my 8 y/o laptop which, happily, seems to have resolved my inability to access the PWM website.
    Love the survey format, BTW.
    Anyway, here are some additional topic suggestions (in no particular order of priority):
    * An overview of writing and submitting short pieces for periodicals–and the advantages of periodical writing as a sort of “apprenticeship” for new authors who ultimately hope to publish a novel.
    * The dismal fiscal realities and ROI statistics of the publishing game, and why people should keep writing anyway.
    * An overview of resources and writing aids available on the PWM website.
    * A comparison of typesetting products such as PageMaker, Quark, Scribus, etc. — and explanation of why products like Word aren’t adequate in the final steps of typesetting a manuscript for POD. BTW: if you or Zeta haven’t had time to become familiar with the free Scribus typesetting platform, I have been working with it and might be persuaded to do a presentation on it… if there is enough interest, that is.
    * And lastly, a bullet point for some future presentation on efficient use of Word: How to correct hidden formatting mistakes in Word (extra spaces, soft paragraphs, etc) so they don’t cause problems in the final steps of typesetting a manuscript for POD (PageMaker, Quark, Scribus, etc). I know you have touched on this in the recent past, but it probably bears repeating periodically for the sake of new members and for those who weren’t quite ready for the information when it was last presented.
    Thanks again for all you do for us.

    1. Thank you Steve. Some of these – PWM resources for example – might be best covered in the second half of a meeting, so we should look into putting some more planning into that. I’m hoping to give an efficient use of word talk this month, and will plan to ask others what techniques they use as we move through the various topics. Will you be able to join in?

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