Set up your Amazon Author Page

Your author page proves to the world that you’re an author. And if you’ve been published in our anthology, you ARE an author!

  • Go to
    google “amazon author central” to find it – the link keeps changing)
  • Click “join for free” and sign in with your amazon account.
  • Edit your profile and set your (author) name, your author bio, links
    to your blogs, etc. and make a note of the name for your author page (and the
    author page URL – mine is
  • Click on Books (at the top, next to Profile). There’s an “add a
    book” button at the bottom.
  • Amazon will list books that they think you may have written. It
    may be a pretty weird list. You can change the search to look for, say, The
    Writers’ Mill Journal.
  • Click “This is my book” for one of your books in the list.
  • When you click “this is my book,” you’ll get (for the Writers’
    Mill Journal) a list of possible authors. If you’re in the list, click “This is
    me.” (If you’re new to Author Central, you’ll probably get an error and have to
    wait until you’ve received and responded to your welcome email before going
    further.) Otherwise, below the list is the question “Not you? Please contact
    us.” In my experience, Author Central are very quick, responsive and helpful.
    Click the “contact us” link and tell them you are the author of your story
    (name it) in this book and they will confirm and add it.
  • Then you can “view and edit our list of your books” and click on
    “add more books” to add more.
  • You now have an author page. Don’t forget to add a picture, an
    author bio, a link to your blog, and other wonderful things—you can even create
    a nice address for your author page, such as Just
    play with it, and enjoy being a REAL PUBLISHED AUTHOR.

Remember, you don’t need to have a book out to be an author. You just need to be published in a book.

Then do something similar on Goodreads.

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