The Writers’ Mill FAQ

The Writers’ Mill was started in 2007 and has continued to meet monthly at Cedar Mill Library, in Portland Oregon, under various different leaders since that time. Meetings will usually include:

  • A Speaker – You’ll find a list of past speakers and topics below the schedule on the Schedule page
  • A Chance to Meet Like-minded Word-lovers – if you join us in person at the library, you can chat with other writers, and maybe even retire for coffee together at a nearby coffee house.
  • Monthly Free Reads – we produce a private (not published) ezine of members’ writing every month and vote for our favorite submissions. With encouraging comments left on each entry, it’s a low-stress way to let other people read your writing.
  • Annual Anthology – we encourage members to submit work to our annual anthology, published on Amazon at our November meeting. Volunteers are asked to help with editing, organizing, titling, illustrating etc. It’s a great way to learn how self-publishing works.
  • Discussions – Members bring up writing topics and share their writing news.
  • Writing Exercises – Sometimes we have Writing Workshops. Sometimes we take half an hour for a quick writing exercise.

During COVID, our librarians supported us with remote meetings over Zoom. Since then they have provided an amazing setup for hybrid meetings, and we delight in welcoming members from around the world. All we ask is that you have some legitimate connection with Cedar Mill Library. And that you love writing, of course!

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