Find some great sites for writing tips here, and email pages @ portlandwritersmill . org if you have other pages that we should add.
Where professional Book Agents and Acquisition Editors answer the one big question: “What do you wish you had in your inbox?” Specialties listed by genre. Easy to follow form for submitting query letters and book synopses. Be sure to check this out if you are interested in traditional publishing.
Alliance of Independent Authors
Industry watchdog group operated by indie authors. Above link goes to AIA page with sortable list of reputable/disreputable self-publishing services ranked by their adherence to AIA’s guidelines for quality, service, professionalism, value pricing, and other criteria. Writing tips, critique services, marketing guides, etc. Many free resources. Memberships also available starting at $89/yr for serious but unpublished authors.
Other Resources
Ingram Spark – print on demand
Kindle Direct Publishing KDP platform with general purpose tools for eBook layout, graphics, how-to instructions. Free.
Smashwords Platform Competitor of KDP oriented to indie authors and people who don’t like Amazon.
Canava Templates Templates for book covers and other advertising art
Zen Business General guidance and forms for starting a business (freelance writer or otherwise). Packages start at $49/yr.
Website tips:
Scrivener – tool for writers Free trial available.
For playwrights and more:
with thanks to Amelia
Find great writing tips on these sites
(last update July/2021)
Featured from last monthly meeting: Carolyn Martin presented “It Happens This Way” poetry workshop at July meeting.
Advance Fiction Writing Randy Ingermanson, PhD. Quirky astrophysicist & SciFi Author. Creator of “Snowflake” writing method. Many free resources.
Training Authors “Mentors to Christian authors.” Will help write, self-publish and launch your books. Many free resources.
Writer Unboxed “About the craft and business of writing.” Also sponsors a Facebook networking group w/ 5,000 members.
Nathan Bransford’s Blog Directory
BookBaby ♥♥♥ A high-quality blog about self-publishing.
PDX Writers A local Portland writer’s group. Membership fee. Contests.
A (sometimes free) book from Amazon Titles vary. Check back periodically to see what’s available.
My Book Therapy “Yes, we will help you write a book.” Nice website. Offers many courses via “Novel Academy.” A-la-carte pricing available.
Query Shark ♥♥♥♥ Tough-love feedback on how to write query letters to pitch your story to book agents. No-nonsense. Very interesting.
Writers on the Move Instructional videos, Slide-shares, podcasts, etc.
Writers Toolbox Yet another site with blog writing tips, info, and advice.
Indigo (Group of Pros who offer editing, book design, and other services. Newsletter available.)
Social Media Examiner All about marketing on Social Media.
Janice Hardy’s Fiction University ♥♥♥♥ High quality site.
Book Life (offers free newsletter)
The Writer (Oldest magazine for writers, Est. 1887). Critique service $85.
Writers Digest Guide to Literary Agents (great blog)
MacGregor Literary Blog A literary agency. Normally takes all genres, but in May/2021, taking non-fiction only.
Author Media a family biz that purports to help you sell more books
For poets:
List of 168 Poetic Forms ♥♥♥♥
Freelance resources:
Fiverr A place to find freelance illustrators, web designers, etc.
For Children’s Writers:
Highlights Foundation Link to Harold Underdown’s page. Many resources.
Kindle Direct Publishing-Kids KDP platform, for kid’s stories. Many free tools and resources for publishing eBooks, layout, graphics, etc.