Journal News – Step 9 – Author approval

Now the editors have had their say, it’s time to get back to the authors. I’ve posted a version of the journal online (let me know if you want the link).

  1. Some anthologies include the author’s text with no changes, except to make formats, fonts, and styles agree across all entries.
  2. Some anthologies make changes without asking the author’s approval.
  3. Publishers who’ve accepted a novel will usually assign an editor who will work with the author – more serious changes might be requested during this process.
  4. We’re going for a halfway process – we make minimal changes, then we ask for author approval.

The file is not formatted for print at this point, but it’s the file we’ll use to create the print version, and later to create the ebook. If I get any extra edits after I start on the print version, I’ll have to make sure I apply the edits equally to both files (using that “compare” tool again, though it’ll splurge out tons of formatting changes as well).

The pictures aren’t formatted for print either; they’re all the same size, all inline with text, and all in a kind of limbo since the print version;

  1. shouldn’t have too many pages (or it will cost too much)
  2. should have every section starting on a right hand page, preferably without having to leave blank pages between them
  3. should include a sprinkling of images rather than one image-heavy section, so the pages flip without looking strange.

Ah well, see step 10…

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