State of the Anthology – Updated

We have a great collection of entries, which will make a great anthology – a cheap and personal Christmas gift, great keepsake, and a first time opportunity for some of us to be published. Thank you all for coming together to make this happen.

Keywords for images

  • WWII dance bar, WWII soldiers on train, 1930s schoolroom, 1800s
  • man on clifftop, man on beach, grandfather with granddaughter, happy 11-year-old girl, old couple, mother and son, old lady on bus
  • Sparta, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Roman trireme
  • buddleia, flowers, gladioli, daffodils, dahlias
  • garden, garden tools, vegetables, watermelon, tomato, scarecrow
  • Michelangelo’s Pieta
  • cats, cat with kittens, owl, butterfly chrysalis, small black poodle, dogs, white bear, armadillo
  • broken mirror, clock, watch, grandfather clock, coffee
  • lamplit street, starlit night
  • Blizzard
  • Portland, British Columbia, Kitasoo tribe
  • dictionary, crossword, wordle, sudoku, maze
  • New Year, Holly wreath, fireworks, champagne
  • airplane, school bus,
  • wheelchair, eyepatch, deerstalker, bikini, ballet shoes, witch’s hat
  • homeless camp, Native American school, dilapidated building
  • praying hands, science books, law court
  • American flag, Afghanistan
  • Titanic, Sherlock Holmes, Cleopatra, Dracula, Transylvania, castle

Where we are today

  1. All the entries have been compiled into a single file, and basic editing – paragraph styles, use of ellipses, and other exciting things – has been done.
  2. What’s happening now?
    1. editing has started (watch out for emails from your editors and respond quickly – 7 members are working on the edits)
    2. reordering has also started. 5 members are working on this – a big task that will result in a book that reads smoothly from beginning to end. Since they’re the members who know exactly what’s in the book, they will be the ones choosing a title and cover design
    3. formatting, with thanks to Zita, will begin after October’s meeting.
  3. If anyone doesn’t know if their submission made it into the anthology, they should check their spam folders. A list of all entries was sent out to everyone, and if your spam folder is set to delete everything every time you log off, or to only allow emails through that are sent in reply to your emails, there really is nothing we can do about it.
  4. We have a team of illustrators looking for images. We will need these by early October. Zita will choose from them to add to the book when she does the final formatting. But if you want to help, look at the list of keywords above and contact anthology @ portlandwritersmill . org (take out the spaces for the email address).

Thank you All

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