State of the Anthology – Updated

Authors and Editors

Editors are now sending their editing suggestions to the authors. Our assumption is always that the piece you sent, as an author, was in the form you would like it to be in. The purpose of editing is to polish out typos, apply consistent styling across the whole book, and make whatever minimal changes will improve readability. If authors are concerned that too many changes are being asked of them (please remember, any changes have to be approved and edited before the end of October 9th), they should feel free to say no or ask for a second opinion.


Illustrators are now uploading their images to the shared folder. If you have images that are meant to go with a particular entry in the anthology, please send them to anthology @ portlandwritersmill . org so Sheila can add them to the file before she sends it on to Zita for final formatting. Please remember to include the necessary information with each image:

  • your name and email, so we can contact you
  • the name of the image file, so we can find it
  • the attribution you would like, if the image is used in the anthology (e.g. Cats by Sheila Deeth)
  • the name of the entry if the image was created for a specific entry in the anthology.
  • any keywords that might help Zita choose and place your image (e.g. cats, midnight, trees, castle)

Playlist Creators, Titlers, and Cover Designers

Our playlist creators, titlers, and cover designers have been reading through the whole file – over fifty entries! – and are working now on choosing a “smooth-flow” order for the entries, a title for the book, and plans for a cover design.

Exciting times! Watch this space

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