How to Use the Navigation Pane

The Playlist Creators for our anthology will use the Navigation pane in Word to move entries around. If you use Heading 3 for the titles of stories and poems (or chapters in your novel), then you have Heading 2 and Heading 1 “spare” to play with. Use Heading 2 to create sections or parts of the book. You’ll probably (maybe) remove these later), but they allow you to drag everything in a particular section from where it is to a new location in the book. All the images and text, from this Heading 2 to the next Heading 2, will move together – no need to cut and paste!

  1. Open the navigation pane – How? Click the View tab at the top of your screen and put a checkmark next to Navigation.
  2. You should see a pane to the left of your screen listing all the headings in your document.
  3. Use headings. Maybe start with Heading 3 for the titles of all the entries in your anthology.
  4. Do you want to move them around – maybe put those three cat stories together?
    1. Click on the title of one of your cat stories in the navigation pane
    2. Drag it to just above or just below another cat story
    3. Repeat.
  5. Do you want a separate section for love stories?
    1. Insert a new heading in your text. “Love Stories.” Make it Heading 2.
    2. You’ll see heading 2 appears more to the left than Heading 3 in the navigation pane.
    3. Insert another new heading, say “Love Poems” – heading 2 again. And a third one “Other.”
    4. Now use the navigation to click and drag all love stories to appear just below Love Stories, and all love poems to appear just below Love Poems. Everything else should stay below Other.
    5. Did you want Love Poems to come before Love Stories? Just click and drag the heading in the navigation pane. Everything underneath it (all the heading 3 pieces below a Heading 2) will move with it.
  6. What can go wrong?
    1. If you didn’t use the headings in Word Style, Word navigation won’t find the headings – Word can’t read your mind.
    2. Sometimes things don’t appear quite as indented as you expect when you look at the navigation pane. It’s just a glitch. Ignore it.

Now you have a contents list in your navigation pane. If it looks good, try inserting a real contents list (click on references at the top of the screen, then click on insert contents, then select what contents you want – you’re really just selecting how far down the list of headings you want to go, and you can always choose custom to choose for yourself). And now your book is almost ready to go.

If you have a contents list before you start moving things around, don’t forget to update the contents list. It won’t update automatically!

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