Do you want to join a small critique group?

We have small critique groups meeting at Java Lounge and at Village Baptist. Others could meet in other locations.

Best size for a critique group? 4 members works well. Start your group with 3. Grow to 5 as new people join. Split when you reach 6.

Best makeup of a critique group? Find 2 other people who have some interest (besides writing) in common with you. They don’t have to write the same things you do, but it helps if they like reading the sort of thing you write.

Best format for a critique group? Try to be disciplined. Some groups meet once a week and critique every member every week. Some meet once every two weeks and schedule one member for critique at each meeting. Some spend half their time critiquing and half their time writing. Do what works for you.

How long should a critique meeting be? Decide how long the piece you will critique can be. Schedule an hour, or half an hour, or whatever works. Once you’ve completed the critique, members are free to leave or stay for more coffee and conversation.

Do you want to join a group? Leave a comment below. Say when you can (or can’t) meet. Suggest what genres might work well for you. Come back and see who else has left a comment. Good luck.

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