Ruth gave a talk on Writing Prompts back in 2023. She is a very active member of the Writers’ Mill, and also of the writing community at large. This February she will be leading two writing classes over zoom. Highly recommended:
Category Archives: announcements
Anthology Deadlines
We had five editors before the meeting, six afterward. Sheila will send the file to all the editors (with their editing assignments) by the end of Monday. Anyone else volunteering to edit needs to contact her (admin @ portlandwritersmill . org, or anthology @ … etc) before then.
Continue reading Anthology DeadlinesAnthology Update
The deadline for submissions to this year’s anthology was the end of Sunday August 4th. Many thanks to all who sent in submissions. Work has started on putting them all together and we will send out another call for volunteers soon!
The rules are simple:
- Members only
- up to 5 submissions per member
- up to 5,000 words in total per member
Send your submissions to anthology @ portlandwritersmill . org
And watch this space for further news!
Comments Please
Please let us know what you think of the new front page on the site.
Is it easier, harder, or just the same trying to find things?
Is it loading faster, slower, or no difference?
Do you have a wish list of things you want us to add?
Website Maintenance
NEXT WEEK!!!! July 28th!!!!
We will remove lots of old pages from our website, including contest entries from 2014 to 2022.
If you want to keep them, you MUST copy them NOW from the website.
After that, please be patient while we speed up/ fix/ potentially break the website.
We are doing our best.
Watch for more news in our newsletter
Members, read this post NOW
Newsletter changes
Please watch your spam folders for newsletters via MailChimp from news @ portlandwritersmill . org. This is a new email address (instead of admin) and you may need to “whitelist” it.
If you contacted admin @ portlandwritersmill . org stating your name and your preferred email address, you should still be on the list to receive these emails. If you didn’t, you will not receive any more emails from us until you either contact admin or sign up again using the signup tab on the website.
Continue reading Members, read this post NOWWhat Genres Can we help you with?
Click the genres that interest you most. Leave a comment if you want us to add more genres to the list.
Topics for 2024
Please add further suggestions in the comments and I will add them to the poll. (If you can’t see a place for comments, click on the header “Topics for 2024” then keep scrolling down to find it.)
Let’s make this our best year ever!
Zoom Tips for Upcoming Meetings
We’ll send you the link in our newsletter. Please don’t share it on social media, but feel free to invite your trusted friends to join us. Either follow the link or use the meeting ID and password in your Zoom app. You will have to wait for the administrator to let you in to the meeting. Don’t panic. Our administrator (librarian) is very quick and helpful. Then try the following…