Category Archives: anthology

Challenges Anthology Title

We have a fantastic cover image, and we want a fantastic cover to go with it. To which end, we need to be able to create the cover well before November’s meeting, so… we need a title.

The numbers in brackets indicate the number of people who have voted for each particular title. But what we’re voting on now is “sets of titles.” and the numbers in each header indicate how many votes each “set” has received – not the same as how many votes titles within the set have received. Once we’ve chosen a winning set (or a couple of sets), Sheila will research variations on the titles, starting with the one that received most votes in the set, to see which titles work – e.g. which titles might be found by people looking for literary anthologies, which are only going to be seen by people seeking self-help books, and which point are found by people planning camping trips, etc. So… please look at the sets of titles below, and email admin with your favorites.

Also, please note, I’ve added a new “set” as more suggestions have come in. If you want to change your vote, just let me know!

Suggested title-sets so far (with numbers of votes so far):

  • Challenge 8
    • Challenging Times (1)
    • Change and Challenge (2)
    • Writing through Challenging Times (1)
    • Challenging Moments, Threads of Hope (4)
    • Challenges Outside the Gate (1)
  • Apart and Together 10
    • Coming Together, Falling apart (2)
    • Coming Together in a Time of Falling Apart (4)
    • Falling Apart – Coming Together (3)
    • Falling Apart Together (2)
    • Coming Together While Falling Apart (1)
  • Journeys and Ways 6
    • Finding Our Way Through Chaos (1)
    • Making Our Way Through Chaos (1)
    • Finding Our Way (3)
    • Journey Through Chaos (7)
    • Journeys Through Chaos (3)
    • Our Heroes’ Journeys (1)
    • Journey into the Sun (2)
    • Journeys Beyond Chaos (2)
  • Tribulations 1
    • Word Tribulations (1)
    • Trials and Tribu-Words (1)
    • Tribulations and Unity (1)
  • Waiting 5
    • Waiting for the Smoke to Clear (4)
    • Waiting for Locusts (4)
    • Waiting While the World Falls Apart (1)
    • Waiting for Tomorrow (1)
    • Waiting for 2021 (1)
    • Waiting for the Vaccine (1)
  • Quirky 8
    • Weaving with Stones (2)
    • Everything but the Locusts (3)
    • We’re Zoomed! We’re All Zoomed! (4)
    • Doom, Gloom and Zoom (1)
    • The Moon is a Friend (1)
    • Gravitating to Wholeness (2)

Comments made on these titles:

  • Might be nice to end the title on a positive note
  • Journeys plural represents all our journeys
  • Journey echoes the writing idea of the hero’s journey, and we’re all heroes
  • Waiting for Tomorrow fits with Beyond Yesterday from last year

Please add your comments and suggestions in the comments!

Challenges Anthology Update

New deadlines:

End of third Sunday in September (midnight tonight!):

  • All submissions must be received at anthology @
  • If you want space for an image in your entry, a placeholder image (even if it’s not the final image) together with the name of the submission it goes with, must be received by anthology @
  • Sheila will upload a “first draft” to the website for authors and members to read at the beginning of the following week (watch this space!)

By the end of the first Sunday in October (next contest deadline)

  • Title will have been chosen (watch this space!)
  • Final images will have been received – send them to anthology @
  • First draft edits will be complete.
    • Judy, Catherin, Jean and Sheila would love to welcome additional editors. Email admin @ to volunteer.
  • Sheila will incorporate editors’ changes and upload the “author draft” to the website for authors and members at the beginning of the following week.

By the end of the third Sunday in October (next meeting day)

  • Authors will have proofread their own and adjacent entries and sent all edits to Sheila
  • Authors will have sent any requests to Sheila for small changes to their entries (small changes only!)
  • Final images will have been received and included
  • Sheila will incorporate all these changes and upload the “final draft” to the website at the beginning of the following week.

By the end of the first Sunday in November (next contest deadline)

  • Members will have reported any typos in the final draft and Sheila will have fixed them
  • Sheila will have calculated the final “author plus postage” price per copy
  • Members will have decided how many print copies they will want and will start sending checks in payment.
    • Email admin @ to find out where to send such checks and how to make them out

At November’s meeting

  • Sheila will demo how to upload a book to Amazon, for kindle and print copies.
  • Sheila will demo Amazon’s cover creator and also how to upload a real cover, created elsewhere.
  • Sheila will make the order for copies as soon as Amazon approves the uploads.

At December’s meeting

  • With any luck, everyone will have been able to pick up their entries
  • We’ll celebrate a job well done and tell all our friends to buy our book!

Anthology 2020 – CHALLENGES


We voted at our Fathers’ Day meeting, and the theme for the 2020 anthology is CHALLENGES. So please look through the challenges represented by your contest entries, respond to the challenges of our Covid lives, consider other challenges accepted or denied, by your characters, real or imaginary (or even poetic), and send your entries to the anthology email address. If you don’t know what that is, look in the newsletter. Thanks!

Below are (abbreviations of) contest titles from recent (and upcoming) months. The aim is to find a topic that will cover as many as possible of your entries. This will be the topic for the anthology.

  • Disguised truths
  • Dwindling days
  • Family traditions
  • Morning afters
  • Bridge
  • Storm
  • Chasing rain
  • Peeking at the future
  • Seasons
  • Coming Together
  • Mountains and Valleys, and
  • Strange Times

Below are the topic titles suggested so far. If your suggestion is not included, it doesn’t mean I’m ignoring you. It means I’m collecting suggested “titles” together into “topics.” When we get to titles, they’ll still be in my list.

  • Strange (strange times, strange connections etc.)
  • Separation (what divides/unites us, separates/connects us etc.)
  • Challenges (Covid, quarantine, end of the world, time, place, people etc.)
  • Unity (in the face of… maybe fits under challenges)
  • Zoom (fast, slow, the program, etc)
  • Heroes (and villains, and everything in between…)

Please be ready to vote on Father’s Day, or email your preference to admin.

Buy These Anthologies!

Carl and June: Tales of Two, and The Writers’ Mill Journal are now available in print and kindle versions. Tell all your friends. Proceeds from online sales to directly to the library so… support your local authors AND support your local library! Books make great Christmas gifts!

The Writers' Mill Journal
Carl and June


The Writers' Mill Journal
The Writers’ Mill Journal

Order your copies of the Writers’ Mill Journal

Visit (password protected) for details of our current Writers’ Mill Journal. Orders for print copies must be received and paid for by the end of October’s meeting (October 15th). The expected cost per copy will be $3.25, assuming we get enough orders (we share the cost of postage between us, which keeps costs down). If you will not be present at October’s meeting, please email admin at portlandwritersmill dot org to arrange how many copies you want and how to pay. Thank you!

Oh, and please note, I finally got rid of those hyphenated words on the cover. Hurray! Now to make sure they don’t come creeping back…

Writers’ Mill Journal 2017

Timeline for our 2017 edition

  1. Deadline for submissions: last day in July
  2. Deadline for edits: last day in August
  3. Deadline for formatting: last day in September. Then eproofs will be posted to website.
  4. Deadline for orders: October’s meeting—October 15th. All orders must be paid by then.
  5. Delivery at our November meeting, Nov 19th, or make alternative arrangements.

If you’ve entered or will enter a Writers’ Mill contest between last August and this July, you already have a piece of writing ready for submission to the journal. If you’ve not, please consider this your chance and inspiration to WRITE. Don’t forget, we love to include pictures as well so start looking through your phone/camera/computer (same submission instructions – let us know the name of the image and artist, and which section you hope to find it in. Createspace recommends 300DPI for images, but it’s not something we’ve worried about in the past).

Topics (based on contests) for our 2017 edition

Submission Guidelines

  • These are guidelines. We will try to produce a balanced journal, representing the writers of as many members as possible. Limits are guidelines, not hard and fast rules.
  • Guidlines for written entries (currently no limits on art):
    • No more than 10 entries per person
    • No more than (approximately) 20 pages per person (it was pointed out that my old computer was the only one producing 1,000 words per page)
    • No more than (approximately) 10,000 words per person
  • Entries should be sent to journal2017 at portlandwritersmill dot org. Each entry MUST INCLUDE
    • Author or artist name
    • Entry title
    • Preferred section for your entry
  • All documents MUST BE READABLE in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, NOT .pdf for example)
  • Editors will perform simple copy-editing for format and style. Our aim is to produce a journal of the highest possible quality, in a timely manner, including entries from as many members as possible. Editors reserve the right to
    • reject entries if we have too many
    • beg for more entries if we have too few, and
    • reject entries that would require too much work on their part.

Please consider whether you would be willing to volunteer as an editor. Thank you.

Let’s make this journal another book to be proud of!

Leave your comments and suggestions below!