Let’s Make An Anthology!
Or a novel, memoir, poetry book…
Continue reading How to make an anthology – notes from Sheila’s powerpoint presentation, November 2018
Or a novel, memoir, poetry book…
Continue reading How to make an anthology – notes from Sheila’s powerpoint presentation, November 2018
Only ten people were present for November’s meeting, but those ten got to watch a book grow from folders of random files to print-ready, kindle-ready documents, to a saleable, slender volume with a cover, designed at the meeting, soon to be available on Amazon! How’s that for an action-packed afternoon! Continue reading Writers Mill Minutes 201811
There are LOTS of books out there. In bookstores the big names take up all the big space, but on the internet, Amazon gives the same size page to everything. You can self-publish and get an Amazon page for your book, but your self-published book will be one of the million self-published this year! Marketing will help people find it, but marketing, and even the world’s most gorgeous cover, won’t sell it unless you’ve written a good book. (After all, readers can “look inside” on Amazon as well as at the bookstore!) Continue reading Self-Editing for Self-Publishing, with Beth Jusino, October 2018
Nearly 25 people met at the library for an informative, encouraging and engaging talk from Beth Jusino. Last in her recent series, this talk brought all her advice about getting published and self-publishing to a logical and practical close, leaving us all with much to think about and great ideas going forward. Our thanks go to the Lynne at the library for arranging such a great series of presentations. Continue reading Writers Mill Minutes 201810
The journal is ready for editing. The following members have volunteered to be your editors this year and have received their assignments. Be sure to reply to any emails from them, and to thank them for working so hard on your behalf. Continue reading JOURNAL UPDATE – PLEASE READ
Nearly 20 members, plus a few guests, were at the Cedar Mill library on Sunday September 18th to listen to Brian Doyle’s presentation on writing. We had an amazing, wonderful time, and I shall do my best to make sense of my notes at the end of these minutes. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201609
Brian Doyle has pages and pages of books listed on Amazon, including Martin Marten, Mink River, Chicago, The Plover and more, and he needs no introduction from me. He introduces himself, educates, entertains, has us in stitches, has us almost in tears, reveals his feelings, his history and his stories, and then says he’s not a teacher and he doesn’t do seminars and workshops. If you missed this one, you missed a very special treat. Continue reading That Strange Thing Called Writing, from Brian Doyle’s Talk in September
Jim returned for a much anticipated second visit where he talked about writing and editing poetry.
Continue reading Writing and Editing Poetry, from Jim Stewart’s talk
You may remember Jim Stewart, poet, short story writer, novelist, musician and more from our May meeting. He returned for a much-anticipated second visit in August, where he invited and answered questions on editing poetry and how to make words count. Around 16 members of the Writers’ Mill braved the heat to attend. Notes on the questions and answers will follow these minutes. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201608