Publish or Perish is a common phrase in British academia. If you don’t publish papers you’ll never advance your career. Guessing that we’re more interested in just putting our words out there, even if we never achieve that great writing career, Sheila offered a few ways we might use to let others see our words. You can find her presentation online at (pdf file) or (powerpoint presentation file).
Continue reading Publish or Perish, or just Put your words out there?Category Archives: events
The Story of a Bilingual Picture Book in a Time of Covid, from Jim Mockford’s talk, 02/21/21
Sheila met Jim Mockford at a Willamette Writers’ virtual coffee morning, and was fascinated by all the ways he was planning to advertise his book, so she and Jean invited him to speak to us and were delighted when he accepted. We were even more delighted when he joined our group as a new member a few months back!
Continue reading The Story of a Bilingual Picture Book in a Time of Covid, from Jim Mockford’s talk, 02/21/21Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102
Writers’ Mill Minutes Feb 21st 2021
We tried out a new Zoom meeting format this month, with a ten-minute snack-and-get-to-know-you break in the middle, to emulate those delicious snack breaks we used to have in real life. Matthew reminded us that this was the one-year anniversary of our last real-world meeting, so a good date for reinstituting snacks. Also we have lots of knew people who we’d love to get to know. In fact, we had so many members at the meeting, there were too many for a single Zoom screen for while! A great achievement, and we hope you all enjoyed the meeting.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102Beyond Yesterday: The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 7
Or buy them again…
On Kindle:
in Print:
and on our Amazon page:
I shall continue adding our books to our author page as soon as I can. And I’ve made the order for the anthology. Let’s all look forward to an official release-party plus review of the year in December!
Writers’ Mill Minutes 201902
Writers’ Mill Meeting Feb 17th 2019
We had a good meeting with lots of great discussion, an award-winning special guest, around 16 attendees, and plenty of announcements: Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201902
Watch the Don Baham show!
Writers’ Mill Minutes 201806
Minutes from June’s meeting with thanks to our speaker Beth Jusino, Lynne for obtaining the grant for her to join us, LaVonna for leading the meeting, Jean for taking minutes, and Judy for ensuring the minutes got sent out in a timely manner. With thanks to everyone else too — I’m still jetlagged; I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone! Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201806
Writers’ Mill Minutes 201707
Writers’ Mill Minutes, 16th July 2017
- Are you reading this on the website? Did you receive the email? If you did not receive the email, please check your spam, deleted, update and other random folders. Try using “search” on your emails for, then set is as a “safe sender.” And if none of the that helps, contact
- Send journal entries to before the end of the month! Read on to learn more details
- Send 100th contest suggestions to before the 1st of August!
- Send What If…? Contest entries to before the end of August 6th. Read on to learn more details.
Protected: Who are we and what do we do?
Interesting Links for March/April
You’ve guessed it. Walt is the source for many (but not all) of these links. Follow. Read. Learn. Enjoy! (Oh, and join Facebook, where you’ll find much more on our private Writers Mill page,, with thanks to Catherin!)
Get writing!
Be both inspired and inspiring. There are some really cool ideas in this:
A nicely imaginative post suggests how to deal with those obstacles keeping you from writing:
If the book feels too big to tackle and you’re not sure where to start:
Follow the rules to become an author?
Describe your book!
From back-cover copy to elevator pitch, how would you describe your book?
Print your book!
Fonts are scary stuff. You may not be hugely wiser after reading this, but you’ll be better informed:
Meanwhile, here’s an interesting e-conversation about fonts:
Practice better writing!
What shape is your story? This video’s well worth watching (only 4 minutes)
Want to outline your book?
A checklist to help your story:
Use Point of view to create good writing
Create that summary:
Tell the world about your writing!
A letter to librarians – if you’re trying to get speaking engagements, or get books into libraries, this one might help:
How to pitch, which also helps with how to query:
Lots of book marketing comments from real authors:
Use the Internet!
Is there a way to effectively use blogs, facebook, twitter etc?
A cool way to look at platforms, with lots of practical advice:
Some great stuff about what to put on your author website:
And on the “about me” page of the site (or blog):
Go to conferences!
August 12-14 Willamette Writers conference:
November 5 Wordstock:
Send that query letter!
Master’s review – deadline March 31st – reading fee $20
Women only (sorry, men), WoW is inviting queries for short sweet non-fiction posts before April 10