Category Archives: Guest Speakers

What happens when you try to tell that story, with Zita Podany

What Happens when you have a Story to Tell, with Zita Podany

First step:

Zita had a story to tell. But life, as it does, kept getting in the way. Then she read the back of an Arcadia book where it said “Write for Arcadia.” She looked on the website and decided to contact them with her ideas.

Continue reading What happens when you try to tell that story, with Zita Podany

Meet the Author – Tim Applegate

Tim Applegate on Being an Author

Tim Applegate gives around four poetry readings per year, plus novel presentations, plus speaking engagements at writing groups such as Writers’ Mill. We were delighted to welcome him to our July 2017 meeting, and he assured us that writers’ group engagements were pleasantly lowkey and fun.

Continue reading Meet the Author – Tim Applegate

How To Choose A Publisher/Agent/Self-Publishing Site with Jim Elstad

Taken from Jim Elstad’s talk, May 21st 2017

For anyone using to check up on publishers, don’t. The site is going/has gone down. Other sites you might use are:

Continue reading How To Choose A Publisher/Agent/Self-Publishing Site with Jim Elstad

Writing and Appreciating Poetry with Carolyn Martin – from her talk in February 2017

Writing and Appreciating Poetry with Carolyn Martin

Carolyn began her talk with some groundrules:

  1. Don’t believe everything you hear unless it resonates in you.
  2. Ask lots of questions
  3. Daydream – she once went to a poetry reading and became distracted by a poem she needed to write … called Purgatory!

Continue reading Writing and Appreciating Poetry with Carolyn Martin – from her talk in February 2017

Sarah Hall agents and publishing discussion

  • Sarah passed out copies of a handout with a timeline of her journey (CLICK THE LINK TO DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY) toward signing a contract with Carina Press. She’d attached a post-it note to each for a contest at the end. The person who guessed how many drafts it took her to reach her final manuscript would get a prize. (She gave the hint that it was between 5-15.)
Continue reading Sarah Hall agents and publishing discussion

That Strange Thing Called Writing, from Brian Doyle’s Talk in September

Notes From Brian Doyle’s Talk On Writing

Brian Doyle has pages and pages of books listed on Amazon, including Martin Marten, Mink River, Chicago, The Plover and more, and he needs no introduction from me. He introduces himself, educates, entertains, has us in stitches, has us almost in tears, reveals his feelings, his history and his stories, and then says he’s not a teacher and he doesn’t do seminars and workshops. If you missed this one, you missed a very special treat. Continue reading That Strange Thing Called Writing, from Brian Doyle’s Talk in September