Category Archives: Guest Speakers

Notes from Christi Krug’s talk, July 2016

Notes from Christi Krug’s talk, July 2016

(with thanks to Karin)

Christi gave us a handout, ‘Following the Thread’ and read a poem by William Stafford about Following the Thread.

–       We learn from the challenges we have.

–       You can still consider yourself a successful writer if you have challenges.

–       One obstacle is finding your way when you are lost. Continue reading Notes from Christi Krug’s talk, July 2016

Notes from Ken Baysinger’s Talk in June 2016

Notes from Ken Baysinger’s talk, June 2016

Ken’s road to writing began early when hi English teacher gave him an F for writing too well (his teacher wouldn’t believe the piece was Ken’s own work and Ken, being stubborn, wouldn’t rewrite it). Writing was replaced by a language of 2-syllable words when Ken joined the Navy, but afterward he took an elective in expository writing at Washington State, just to see if he still had any literary skills. Luckily for his readers, he did. A degree in English led to work in creative advertising, but the white shoes and golf stories didn’t fit, so he moved into other areas. But… Continue reading Notes from Ken Baysinger’s Talk in June 2016

Minutes 201601

Twenty four people attended on January 17th to hear local author Marcia Coffey Turnquist tell us about writing, publishing, marketing, and everything in-between. Marcia’s first novel, the God of Sno Cone Blue is available at Barnes and Noble (store and online) or on Amazon. Continue reading Minutes 201601

Minutes 201510

Writers’ Mill Minutes, October 18, 2015

Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton


Twenty-six people attended the meeting, including about seven newcomers. Among them was Donna Reynolds, who will speak to us next month about editing. Ron Davis led the meeting while Sheila Deeth was cruising in the Caribbean, having just celebrated her birthday among the alligators in the Everglades. Jean Harkin took Minutes, and Amelia De Mello provided snacks. Continue reading Minutes 201510