Category Archives: Journal

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201906

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190616 16th June 2019

Our Writers’ Mill meeting fell on Father’s Day, and those members unable to take time out missed an excellent and inspiring talk about editing from Donna Reynolds, plus the chance for one-on-one advice, fantastic snacks from Robin, and a most productive discussion about our upcoming anthology. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201906

Writers Mill Minutes 201811

Writers’ Mill Minutes, Nov 18 2018

Only ten people were present for November’s meeting, but those ten got to watch a book grow from folders of random files to print-ready, kindle-ready documents, to a saleable, slender volume with a cover, designed at the meeting, soon to be available on Amazon! How’s that for an action-packed afternoon! Continue reading Writers Mill Minutes 201811

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201805

Writers’ Mill Minutes May 20th 2018

Twenty members attended May’s Writers’ Mill meeting and enjoyed an amusing, intriguing and very informative talk from John Hoover, the best-selling author of How to Work for an Idiot and other fascinating titles. John described a little of his past, working for Disney, managing audiobooks for McGraw Hill, helping clients at Boeing, Delta, Hilton and many more… then went on to describe how he entered the world of writing and coaching instead of publishing. Great conversation, questions and answers ensued, as you’ll find in the notes at the end of these minutes. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201805

Buy These Anthologies!

Carl and June: Tales of Two, and The Writers’ Mill Journal are now available in print and kindle versions. Tell all your friends. Proceeds from online sales to directly to the library so… support your local authors AND support your local library! Books make great Christmas gifts!

The Writers' Mill Journal
Carl and June


The Writers' Mill Journal
The Writers’ Mill Journal

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201710 Book Marketing with Walt

Writers Mill Minutes October 15th

On October 15th 2017 the Writers’ Mill celebrated its 10th birthday! There was cake! Two delicious gluten-free chocolate cakes, with candles – Thank you Jean! And there was a great speaker, Walt Socha sharing his expertise in creating, publishing and marketing books. Around 25 members were there to enjoy the experience. For the rest of you, Walt’s notes can be found in two downloadable files at – a private page that you won’t find just by going to his website. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201710 Book Marketing with Walt

Order your copies of the Writers’ Mill Journal

Visit (password protected) for details of our current Writers’ Mill Journal. Orders for print copies must be received and paid for by the end of October’s meeting (October 15th). The expected cost per copy will be $3.25, assuming we get enough orders (we share the cost of postage between us, which keeps costs down). If you will not be present at October’s meeting, please email admin at portlandwritersmill dot org to arrange how many copies you want and how to pay. Thank you!

Oh, and please note, I finally got rid of those hyphenated words on the cover. Hurray! Now to make sure they don’t come creeping back…

Journal – Check for your entries here!

Entries have been received from 16 members.
Please check below to make sure your entry has been received.

Email sheilad at portlandwritersmill dot org, or journal2017 at portlandwritersmill dot org, or both(!) if something is missing or wrong.

We will start choosing entries and formatting the journal over the next few days. If you volunteered to provide more images, we will do our best to make our requests in a timely manner. Thank you everyone!

Continue reading Journal – Check for your entries here!