Category Archives: Minutes

Writers’ Mill Minutes April 21st 2024

Writers’ Mill Minutes, April 21, 2024

Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom

Eight participants attended online, and six were present in the library meeting room, for a total of fourteen. Sheila Deeth led the meeting from her online Zoom perch in Tennessee. She announced at the opening of the meeting that today’s program would be recorded and asked if there were any objections. If so, Zoom attendees could hide their video and remove their surnames from their screens. In person attendees would be invisible anyway, as only today’s speaker, Carolyn Martin, would be on camera at the library.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 20240121

Writers’ Mill Minutes – 21st Jan 2024

There were only three attendees in the library meeting room this month – perhaps not surprising given the recent weather. Many thanks to Christine for setting up there, and to Matthew for being in charge. Meanwhile we had ten members online – a smaller meeting than usual, but a lively one! We celebrated achievements of 2023 and discussed our goals, both personal and group goals, for 2024.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes Dec 17 2023

Fourteen people joined us for December’s Writers’ Mill meeting – a smaller number than usual, but perhaps everyone’s busy this time of year. Seven attended in person at the library and seven online. I promise I’ve tried to take good minutes for those members who were absent and the ones who couldn’t hear the speaker online. Unfortunately, sound and room setup are complicated for hybrid meetings, but we’re glad you’re all persevering!

Mollie Hunt was a wonderful speaker, and we all had a great time. In person, we were able to share in the Book Exchange and to buy some of Mollie’s books. Online members exchanged book recommendations which will be included in these minutes.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes Dec 17 2023

Writers’ Mill Minutes, Nov 19th 2023

9 in-person and 11 online attendees were present to see the upload of this year’s anthology to Amazon. We were delighted to welcome new NaNoWriMo participants, and very much hope they might join us at future meetings too. If you’ve not already signed up for our newsletters, please go to the SignUp page on the website and follow the instructions there. (You’ll get the instructions in an email from admin @ portlandwritersmill . org, so make sure you flag those emails as “not spam” when they arrive.)

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes, Nov 19th 2023

Writers’ Mill Minutes, Oct 15, 2023

Our librarian Christine set up the zoom and room, and we had 19 members in total at October’s meeting – 6 in person and 13 online. Sheila started the meeting by reminding in-person attendees to face the microphone when speaking and avoid talking among themselves. Online attendees were reminded to switch on captions and use speaker view, especially to watch our speaker, David Porter, during his talk. David asked if the talk was being recorded, but we can’t record without setting it up before the meeting, and letting everyone know. Maybe it’s something we should think about doing more often—what do you think?

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes, Oct 15, 2023

Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday September 17th 2023

Twelve participants attended online, and three were present in the library meeting room, for a total of fifteen. Zita Podany led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Christine Wong managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal who coordinated the Zoom chat with library attendees. Jean Harkin took Minutes. We welcomed new attendees, Julia Hardy and Andrew Kim.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday September 17th 2023

Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday August 20th 2023

With two people at the library and fourteen online, there were sixteen people at August’s Writers’ Mill meeting, where we bemoaned the trials and tribulations of technology, considered the starts and stops of writing and editing, and made plans for this year’s anthology. We’re very grateful to Christine for getting a working setup at the library, despite their technical difficulties, and also to Ron who is continuing to work on fixing the website and newsletter issues. And we hope those attending for the first time will return, despite the technological complications with most of us online. We were delighted to meet you!

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday August 20th 2023