Category Archives: Minutes

Writers’ Mill Minutes, June 18, 2023

Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom

Six participants attended online, and seven were present in the library meeting room, for a total of thirteen. Zita Podany led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Christine Wong  managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal who coordinated the Zoom chat with library attendees. Jean Harkin took Minutes. We welcomed a new member, Ren.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 05 21

Ten people joined us online this month and eight in-person (including two new members!) for Joshua Williamson’s excellent talk on writing, getting published, beginnings middles and ends, graphic novels (of course), and so much more. You’ll find notes at

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 04 16

Writers’ Mill Minutes April 16 2023

We had around 7 in-person members and 7 online for Ruth Leibowitz’ inspiring and surprising talk on writing prompts, where to find them, and how, when and why to use them, including advice on how to critique, how to encourage other writers, and how to help yourself know more about your characters. Ruth gave her presentation over zoom, and we’re so pleased that she was able and willing to do that despite having COVID. Since Sheila’s presentation last month also took place over zoom due to COVID, we’re wondering if the virus has it in for the Writers’ Mill. Writers take care!

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 04 16

Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 03 19

Writers’ Mill March Minutes, March 19th 2023

March’s meeting was well-attended, with some new in person members, and lots of members online. Sheila had intended to be present in person, but COVID intervened, so her “Publish or Perish, or just Put your words out there” presentation was given via zoom instead. Afterward, members were invited to introduce themselves, both online and in person, and there was lots of lively discussion, leading to various unresolved questions. Please contact admin with your thoughts on:

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 03 19

Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 02 19

With eleven in-person and twelve online attendees, plus an excellent speaker, February’s Writers’ Mill meeting was a thoroughly enjoyable and informative occasion. We opened with contest results from Michael while waiting for stragglers to arrive, and Februarys Winter Days contest produced lots of great entries—if you’ve not read them yet, go to and catch up on your free monthly magazine. March’s magazine will arrive on March 6th, at which point you’ll be invited to read, comment, and vote—and be writers helping writers!

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 02 19

Minutes 2023 01 15

Nearly twenty people, evenly split between online and inperson, joined us for Maryka Biaggio’s presentation on description and dialog today. Unfortunately, several had to leave after the talk, but we still enjoyed a lively and helpful discussion during the critique, plus a rapid writing exercise where we looked at the difference between 3-sentence and 4-sentence structure (lacking the time for a full three or four acts!).

Continue reading Minutes 2023 01 15

Minutes 2022 12 18 Goals and Achievements

December’s Writers’ Mill meeting was well attended, with 12 members online and 5 in person at the library. Those who’d been with us a while knew what to expect, as December or January is when we review the year that’s passed and make plans for the year to come.

Continue reading Minutes 2022 12 18 Goals and Achievements

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20221120

Around 20 members joined us, online and in person, to watch the release of our 2022 anthology and learn a little more about self-publishing. We think we’re getting the hang of this “hybrid meeting” thing, but please send your suggestions and comments—what worked, what was better, what still doesn’t work—and we’ll do our best to continue to improve.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 20221016

Writers’ Mill Minutes 16th October 2022

Seventeen members attended October’s meeting, including several new and nearly new members—you are very welcome, and we hope you’ll stay with us! This was only our second hybrid meeting, and this time we had more in-person attendees than online—which means we’re looking for feedback again, from any and all of you, about how we can make these hybrid meetings even better. We’re very grateful to the librarians for all their help.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 20220918

Writers’ Mill Minutes, September 18, 2022

Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom—First Hybrid Meeting!

Eleven participants attended online, and seven were present in the library meeting room, for a total of 18. Jim Elstad led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Angela Mollet  managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal and Robin Layne.

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