Category Archives: Minutes

Writers’ Mill Minutes 202107


July 18, 2021

Minutes with thanks to Jean Harkin

Attendance: 16 via Zoom (thanks to Laura Baca at Cedar Mill Library). Laura announced this will be her last meeting as library host with Writers’ Mill. She introduced Jennifer Keyser, who will be her replacement for a while. The group applauded and thanked Laura for her valuable assistance to Writers’ Mill during the last few years.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 202105

May’s meeting was well attended, and we delighted in the mix of new and old members, prompting discussions of how we will meet when real-world attendance becomes possible again. Laura assures us the library is planning to set things up so distant members can continue to attend by Zoom. Like many other library groups, we look forward to welcoming back those who couldn’t Zoom, and continuing to welcome those who’ve joined us because of Zoom. Watch this space…

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Writers Mill Minutes 202103

Members from around the world and from around Cedar Mill met together for Cindy Brown’s mystery writing workshop in March, and Sheila did her best to take good minutes for those who couldn’t make it. Apologies to those who had problems with the email link – in general, if a link doesn’t work, you need to cut the whole link – or, as one member put it, the whole set of gobbledygook letters and numbers – and paste it into your browser. Judy has kindly offered to field requests for help if anyone has problems with the link at future meetings, thus freeing Sheila to continue to take minutes, so please remember: If you can’t cut and paste the whole link, email Judy for assistance!

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Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102

Writers’ Mill Minutes Feb 21st 2021

We tried out a new Zoom meeting format this month, with a ten-minute snack-and-get-to-know-you break in the middle, to emulate those delicious snack breaks we used to have in real life. Matthew reminded us that this was the one-year anniversary of our last real-world meeting, so a good date for reinstituting snacks. Also we have lots of knew people who we’d love to get to know. In fact, we had so many members at the meeting, there were too many for a single Zoom screen for while! A great achievement, and we hope you all enjoyed the meeting.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes Dec 2020

Our end-of-year Writers’ Mill Zoom meeting was well-attended on Zoom, with one future speaker and one new member joining us. Jim Mockford, February’s speaker, was able to introduce himself, his book, and his website,, where the events page lists, among other things, the gentle art of book unmasking and his upcoming talk with us. Don’t miss February’s meeting for more on children’s books, picture books, bilingual books, and innovative promotion ideas!

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Writers’ Mill Minutes Nov 2020

Writers’ Mill minutes November 15th 2020

It was a Journey through Chaos, well-fitting for 2020, and well-moderated and recorded by Laura, as we brought our “Journey through Chaos” anthology to Amazon print and kindle. (Look, it’s already there! But no “look inside” feature yet. ) Here’s a link to view the recording so you can catch up on what you missed if you weren’t there.

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Writers’ Mill Minutes October 2020

Writers’ Mill Minutes October 18 2020

Our speaker this month was Joe Biel, a self-made autistic publisher and filmmaker, the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing, and the co-founder of the Portland Zine Symposium. He has been featured in Time Magazine, Publisher’s Weekly, Art of Autism, Utne Reader, Oregonian, Broken Pencil, Punk Planet, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll. He is the author of many books, director of five feature films and hundreds of short films, and he lives in Portland, Ore and his work can be found at

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