September’s Writers’ Mill meeting was well-attended with around 24 members sharing space in the Zoom Room provided by Laura at Cedar Mill library. We enjoyed a particularly good speaker, Erick Mertz, announced contests, discussed the anthology, and generally had a very successful time. If you missed the meeting, do try to join next time.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes September 2020Category Archives: Minutes
Graphic Novels, Inspiration, Creation, Publication and Marketing with Erik Nebel, August 2020
Did you miss the talk? You missed a fantastic presentation from Erik Nebel, but now you can watch it again in the comfort of your living room. Just go to and find a links to the video, and to all Erik’s books, including the beautiful Well Come.
Writers’ Mill Minutes August 2020
This month’s speaker was Erik Nebel, whose first book of comics was published in 2014 by Yeti Press. Erik’s work has appeared in Best American Comics 2015 and Best American Comics 2019. Most recently, Erik finished work on a graphic novel adaptation of Tolstoy’s novel, WAR AND PEACE. Find Erik at OUR LIBRARY at
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes August 2020Writers’ Mill minutes July 19th 2020
25 people attended the Writers’ Mill Zoom meeting this month, and enjoyed a very informative, inspirational and encouraging talk from Cindy Brown, author of the Ivy Meadows mysteries. Cindy’s handout can be downloaded from and I’ll include the edited version with notes from our session at the end of this email.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill minutes July 19th 2020Writers’ Mill Minutes June 2020
Writers’ Mill Minutes Fathers’ Day, June 21st 2020Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes June 2020
We had close to 20 attendees at our Fathers’ Day meeting, including two new members and one returning member. It seemed to be the perfect number to inspire lively Zoom discussion, so those of you who missed the meeting missed lots of fun.
Writers’ Mill Minutes 202005 May 2020
Around 20 people attended May’s Writers’ Mill meeting, hosted again by Laura on Zoom. Our thanks to Laura and to everyone else at Cedar Mill Library who are helping us stay together during this time.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202005 May 2020Writers’ Mill Minutes 202004 April 2020
Twenty-one people attended the first ever online Writers’ Mill meeting this month, including Sheila’s Mum, from England, and Laura (our wonderful host) from the library. We owe a huge thank you to Laura for providing and monitoring the online Zoom room for us.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202004 April 2020March Meeting Cancelled
March Meeting Cancelled.
Speaker, Tim Applegate, rescheduled for 3rd Sunday in June, June 21st, Fathers’ Day. Mark your calendars and don’t miss Tim’s presentation on the importance of place in fiction and poetry.
Meanwhile, why not start writing your next contest entry. See “contests” above and click on “upcoming contests” for more details. (If you’re reading this on a phone, click on “menu” and scroll down for contests>upcoming contests.)
Writers’ Mill Minutes 202002
Writers’ Mill Minutes, Feb 16th 2020
18 members attended our “3 checkmark” meeting, allowing the organizers to learn a bit more about whether emails are getting through, and whether we’re fulfilling our goal of being “writers helping writers.” But far more important than checkmarks on clipboard was the talk from Maryka Biaggio, author of Parlor Games, published by a serious, BIG 5 publisher, and a seriously helpful speaker. You’ll find notes from her talk at the end of these minutes. Meanwhile, thank you Maryka!
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202002Writers’ Mill Minutes 202001 January 2020
18 members attended January’s meeting, where we enjoyed much discussion about requested topics, completed our “clipboard” checkup of member interests and needs, took part in a lively critique, and even managed a thinking/writing exercise. It was great to welcome several new members and one former member too – we hope to see you all again next month for Maryka Biaggio’s talk of research for writing, research for publishing, and more…
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202001 January 2020