Category Archives: anthologies

We made a book, and you can too!

Our “Let’s make another book” presentation covered and/or touched the following book-creation topics, with notes and additional information below:

  • How to Title your book
  • How to Format your book
  • How to Edit your book
  • How to Prepare your book for Printing
  • How to Prepare your book for Kindle
  • How to Upload your ebook
  • How to use Amazon’s Cover Creator
  • How to Upload your print book (and use Cover Creator again!)
  • How to get your book onto your Author Page (yes, I know, I didn’t have time to cover this, but some of you asked…)

Continue reading We made a book, and you can too!

Writers’ Mill Minutes 10191117

November’s meeting brought 13 of us to watch and assist in the uploading of The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 7 to Amazon. Those of you who missed it missed some fantastic healthy snacks from Ria and an ongoing scene of great stress, excitement and triumph. The minutes below are LONG because I’ve tried to cover everything we did and all the questions I was asked about what we might not have done. So here goes… Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 10191117

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190721

Thanks to Ria for leading July’s meeting and taking these excellent minutes. Wish I hadn’t missed the meeting!

Writers’ Mill Minutes, July 2019

The meeting came to order timely at 1:00pm. In attendance were two guest speakers, Mollie Hunt and Jason Brick. Both came early to the conference room to set up displays of their books and brand, and meet and greet our writers as they arrived. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190721

Itty Bitty Writing Space, anthologies, queries, promotion: Jason Brick July 2019

How Jason Brick Got Started:

He is a martial artist and ended up writing a piece for a premier martial arts magazine. Admittedly, he will write for anyone within pretty much any venue, but Jason has a special enthusiasm and natural affinity for martial arts, since he himself is a martial arts specialist and he has two sons who are also involved in martial arts. He told me prior to the start of our meeting that he traveled to Malaysia in 2016 to write a piece for a travel magazine, but also so he and his sons would have the unique opportunity of visiting a country with a completely different lifestyle and culture very different from living here in the United States. He said it was an amazing experience for him and his sons, one which he will always treasure, plus he got paid to be there! Continue reading Itty Bitty Writing Space, anthologies, queries, promotion: Jason Brick July 2019

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201906

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190616 16th June 2019

Our Writers’ Mill meeting fell on Father’s Day, and those members unable to take time out missed an excellent and inspiring talk about editing from Donna Reynolds, plus the chance for one-on-one advice, fantastic snacks from Robin, and a most productive discussion about our upcoming anthology. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201906

Writers Mill Minutes 201811

Writers’ Mill Minutes, Nov 18 2018

Only ten people were present for November’s meeting, but those ten got to watch a book grow from folders of random files to print-ready, kindle-ready documents, to a saleable, slender volume with a cover, designed at the meeting, soon to be available on Amazon! How’s that for an action-packed afternoon! Continue reading Writers Mill Minutes 201811

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201707

Writers’ Mill Minutes, 16th July 2017

  1. Are you reading this on the website? Did you receive the email? If you did not receive the email, please check your spam, deleted, update and other random folders. Try using “search” on your emails for, then set is as a “safe sender.” And if none of the that helps, contact
  2. Send journal entries to before the end of the month! Read on to learn more details
  3. Send 100th contest suggestions to before the 1st of August!
  4. Send What If…? Contest entries to before the end of August 6th. Read on to learn more details.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201707