David Porter started writing bad poetry at age 12 and soon progressed to good. In 1968 he was at PSU and was already being published. In the ’70s and ’80s he wrote freelance articles, poems, and short stories, getting published in the Oregon magazine and NW magazine (inside the Oregonian). Meanwhile he wrote grant proposals, newsletters, presentations, etc for nonprofits for 40 years. He’s even written Beaver Board Historical Markers! Plus many book reviews.
Continue reading Fulfilling That Writing Commitment: David Porter, Oct 15, 2023Category Archives: publishing
Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday July 16th 2023
14 members attended July’s Writers’ Mill meeting, and if you missed it, you missed a fantastic presentation from Erick Mertz. His topic—Self-Publishing Success: What Worked, What Didn’t, & What I Would Do Differently—was particularly timely as we approach the release of our next anthology, and included excellent advice and inspiration for all of us. Notes from his presentation will be posted online shortly, with the current password—which you will find in your emails.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday July 16th 2023Self-Publishing Success: What Worked, What Didn’t, & What I Would Do Differently, with Erick Mertz
Self-publishing used to be somewhat frowned on and considered less legitimate than “really” getting published, but that is changing, as Erick showed us in his presentation.
Continue reading Self-Publishing Success: What Worked, What Didn’t, & What I Would Do Differently, with Erick MertzWriters’ Mill Minutes, June 18, 2023
Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom
Six participants attended online, and seven were present in the library meeting room, for a total of thirteen. Zita Podany led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Christine Wong managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal who coordinated the Zoom chat with library attendees. Jean Harkin took Minutes. We welcomed a new member, Ren.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes, June 18, 2023You too can write a novel, graphic novel, comic, memoir, mini-book, … talk with Joshua Williamson
Joshua Williamson is the author of 150 graphic novels! He works for DC Comics and Marvel, and is paid to write monthly short books (like magazines) which, when the story’s done, get compiled together into complete graphic novels. Mostly these are YA, but he’s written other non-DC books (e.g. Nailbiter) which might be aimed at a somewhat older audience.
Continue reading You too can write a novel, graphic novel, comic, memoir, mini-book, … talk with Joshua WilliamsonPublish or Perish, or just Put your words out there?
Publish or Perish is a common phrase in British academia. If you don’t publish papers you’ll never advance your career. Guessing that we’re more interested in just putting our words out there, even if we never achieve that great writing career, Sheila offered a few ways we might use to let others see our words. You can find her presentation online at https://www.portlandwritersmill.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/20230319-publishing-presentation.pdf (pdf file) or https://www.portlandwritersmill.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/20230319-publishing-presentation.pptx (powerpoint presentation file).
Continue reading Publish or Perish, or just Put your words out there?Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 03 19
Writers’ Mill March Minutes, March 19th 2023
March’s meeting was well-attended, with some new in person members, and lots of members online. Sheila had intended to be present in person, but COVID intervened, so her “Publish or Perish, or just Put your words out there” presentation was given via zoom instead. Afterward, members were invited to introduce themselves, both online and in person, and there was lots of lively discussion, leading to various unresolved questions. Please contact admin with your thoughts on:
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 2023 03 19Writers’ Mill Minutes 20221120
Around 20 members joined us, online and in person, to watch the release of our 2022 anthology and learn a little more about self-publishing. We think we’re getting the hang of this “hybrid meeting” thing, but please send your suggestions and comments—what worked, what was better, what still doesn’t work—and we’ll do our best to continue to improve.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 20221120How to Grow Your Book – Presentation by Sheila Deeth, 20221120
Go to https://www.portlandwritersmill.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/GROW-YOUR-OWN-BOOK.pptx for Sheila’s Powerpoint presentation on self-publishing with amazon kdp, or read on for notes from her talk.
Continue reading How to Grow Your Book – Presentation by Sheila Deeth, 20221120Writers’ Mill Minutes 20220821
There were between 16 and 20 members participating in the meeting; some had to leave early. As Sheila was absent, Ron headed the meeting. |