Category Archives: publishing

Writers’ Mill Minutes 202105

May’s meeting was well attended, and we delighted in the mix of new and old members, prompting discussions of how we will meet when real-world attendance becomes possible again. Laura assures us the library is planning to set things up so distant members can continue to attend by Zoom. Like many other library groups, we look forward to welcoming back those who couldn’t Zoom, and continuing to welcome those who’ve joined us because of Zoom. Watch this space…

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The Story of a Bilingual Picture Book in a Time of Covid, from Jim Mockford’s talk, 02/21/21

Sheila met Jim Mockford at a Willamette Writers’ virtual coffee morning, and was fascinated by all the ways he was planning to advertise his book, so she and Jean invited him to speak to us and were delighted when he accepted. We were even more delighted when he joined our group as a new member a few months back!

Continue reading The Story of a Bilingual Picture Book in a Time of Covid, from Jim Mockford’s talk, 02/21/21

Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102

Writers’ Mill Minutes Feb 21st 2021

We tried out a new Zoom meeting format this month, with a ten-minute snack-and-get-to-know-you break in the middle, to emulate those delicious snack breaks we used to have in real life. Matthew reminded us that this was the one-year anniversary of our last real-world meeting, so a good date for reinstituting snacks. Also we have lots of knew people who we’d love to get to know. In fact, we had so many members at the meeting, there were too many for a single Zoom screen for while! A great achievement, and we hope you all enjoyed the meeting.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102

Writers’ Mill Minutes 202101

With several new members, we started our meeting by reminding everyone of who we are: the Writers’ Mill, writers helping writers, meeting on the 3rd Sunday of every month. We all agree that our librarian is fantastic and Zoom is wonderful (if occasionally challenging). And maybe one day there’ll be mixed real-and-virtual meetings—it’s a dream, but please be thinking about how it might work. And on the subject of dreams… we run monthly contests online for which this month’s topic was dreams. Von announced the results, and you should have already received them from our contest coordinator, unless you’re a new member (in which case I’ve only just added you to the list):

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Writers’ Mill Minutes Nov 2020

Writers’ Mill minutes November 15th 2020

It was a Journey through Chaos, well-fitting for 2020, and well-moderated and recorded by Laura, as we brought our “Journey through Chaos” anthology to Amazon print and kindle. (Look, it’s already there! But no “look inside” feature yet. ) Here’s a link to view the recording so you can catch up on what you missed if you weren’t there.

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