Category Archives: Research
Erika Giles on Memoir, Research, Publishing and more – Jan 2025
Nora introduced our speaker, Erika Giles, who is a Writers’ Mill member and author of Becoming Hungarian, a Memoir. Amazon described this book as “a fascinating story of resilience and discovery that will inspire anyone who has struggled with their identity and tried to come to terms with the past.”
Continue reading Erika Giles on Memoir, Research, Publishing and more – Jan 2025Fulfilling That Writing Commitment: David Porter, Oct 15, 2023
David Porter started writing bad poetry at age 12 and soon progressed to good. In 1968 he was at PSU and was already being published. In the ’70s and ’80s he wrote freelance articles, poems, and short stories, getting published in the Oregon magazine and NW magazine (inside the Oregonian). Meanwhile he wrote grant proposals, newsletters, presentations, etc for nonprofits for 40 years. He’s even written Beaver Board Historical Markers! Plus many book reviews.
Continue reading Fulfilling That Writing Commitment: David Porter, Oct 15, 2023Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday September 17th 2023
Twelve participants attended online, and three were present in the library meeting room, for a total of fifteen. Zita Podany led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Christine Wong managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal who coordinated the Zoom chat with library attendees. Jean Harkin took Minutes. We welcomed new attendees, Julia Hardy and Andrew Kim.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday September 17th 2023The World Abounds in Prompts: Using Prompts to Stimulate and Deepen Your Writing by Ruth Leibowitz
Ruth loves writing prompts. She facilitates and attends several writing groups that use them, and she is a member of our group. As she pointed out, we use monthly writing prompts for our ezines. For herself, Ruth writes poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.
Continue reading The World Abounds in Prompts: Using Prompts to Stimulate and Deepen Your Writing by Ruth LeibowitzMinutes 2023 01 15
Nearly twenty people, evenly split between online and inperson, joined us for Maryka Biaggio’s presentation on description and dialog today. Unfortunately, several had to leave after the talk, but we still enjoyed a lively and helpful discussion during the critique, plus a rapid writing exercise where we looked at the difference between 3-sentence and 4-sentence structure (lacking the time for a full three or four acts!).
Continue reading Minutes 2023 01 15Detail and Dialogue, from talk by Maryka Biaggio, Jan 2023
Maryka Biaggio
If you missed Maryka’s talk from three years ago, I strongly suggest you look it up on our website (just type “Maryka” into the search on the left hand side of your screen).
Continue reading Detail and Dialogue, from talk by Maryka Biaggio, Jan 2023Natalie Dale, Medicine in Writing
Dr. Natalie Dale, a former neurologist and author of a two-volume book series, A Writer’s Guide to
Medicine, presented her talk from the library meeting room and screen-shared her presentation for library and Zoom participants. Natalie’s notes can be found online by clicking here:
Writers’ Mill Minutes 20220918
Writers’ Mill Minutes, September 18, 2022
Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom—First Hybrid Meeting!
Eleven participants attended online, and seven were present in the library meeting room, for a total of 18. Jim Elstad led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Angela Mollet managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal and Robin Layne.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 20220918