Category Archives: images
Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday September 17th 2023
Twelve participants attended online, and three were present in the library meeting room, for a total of fifteen. Zita Podany led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Christine Wong managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal who coordinated the Zoom chat with library attendees. Jean Harkin took Minutes. We welcomed new attendees, Julia Hardy and Andrew Kim.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes Sunday September 17th 2023The World Abounds in Prompts: Using Prompts to Stimulate and Deepen Your Writing by Ruth Leibowitz
Ruth loves writing prompts. She facilitates and attends several writing groups that use them, and she is a member of our group. As she pointed out, we use monthly writing prompts for our ezines. For herself, Ruth writes poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.
Continue reading The World Abounds in Prompts: Using Prompts to Stimulate and Deepen Your Writing by Ruth LeibowitzHow to Make a Website, with Zita Podany
Zita has tried out many different ways of creating a website – Weebly, Wix, WordPress, etc – but says the most intuitive approach is to use Weebly. So, if you would like something quick and easy to use, and free, go to and sign in/sign up.
Continue reading How to Make a Website, with Zita PodanyWriters’ Mill Minutes April 2022
Around 15 people attended April’s meeting to watch Zita Podany’s demonstration of how to create a website without stress, cash, terror, or disaster. But first Judy, in the absence of Steve, announced the results of April’s Dazzle Me contest.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes April 2022Writers’ Mill Minutes 202110
Minutes from Oct 17th 2021
Between 12 and 15 members attended Sunday’s Writers’ Mill meeting. Some were unable to attend because they had problems finding the email link. It seems rather unproductive to ask you to please email me if you don’t get this email but… if you do get this email, but don’t get the one with the email link for the next meeting, please email me during the morning, so I can resend the link to you before the meeting starts. Our next meeting will be on Sunday November 21st, and we plan to upload the anthology and create the cover “before your very eyes.”
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202110Protected: Writers’ Mill Anthology PLEASE READ
What happens when you try to tell that story, with Zita Podany
What Happens when you have a Story to Tell, with Zita Podany
First step:
Zita had a story to tell. But life, as it does, kept getting in the way. Then she read the back of an Arcadia book where it said “Write for Arcadia.” She looked on the website and decided to contact them with her ideas.
Continue reading What happens when you try to tell that story, with Zita Podany
Writers’ Mill Minutes 201708
Writers’ Mill Minutes August 20th 2017
Despite the approaching eclipse, August’s Writers’ Mill meeting was well attended with 16 people present to learn about research, photographs, permissions and publishing specs from Zita Podany, author of VanPort in the Images of America series. Notes from Zita’s talk can be below. And our thanks to Zita and the library staff for the excellent use of technology. (One day I’ll have to learn how it’s all done!)
Walt, who will be speaking and using technology in October and December, handed around a “reading assignment” for us all. In case you weren’t there, Walt very highly recommends “To Sell is Human” by Daniel H. Pink; also “How to Publish your Book” by Jane Friedman. We should all try to read Pink’s book, or at least to look at it, before October’s meeting (which gives us lots of time).