Category Archives: Uncategorized

Members, read this post NOW

Newsletter changes

Please watch your spam folders for newsletters via MailChimp from news @ portlandwritersmill . org. This is a new email address (instead of admin) and you may need to “whitelist” it.

If you contacted admin @ portlandwritersmill . org stating your name and your preferred email address, you should still be on the list to receive these emails. If you didn’t, you will not receive any more emails from us until you either contact admin or sign up again using the signup tab on the website.

Continue reading Members, read this post NOW

Topics for 2024

Please add further suggestions in the comments and I will add them to the poll. (If you can’t see a place for comments, click on the header “Topics for 2024” then keep scrolling down to find it.)

Let’s make this our best year ever!

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20221016

Writers’ Mill Minutes 16th October 2022

Seventeen members attended October’s meeting, including several new and nearly new members—you are very welcome, and we hope you’ll stay with us! This was only our second hybrid meeting, and this time we had more in-person attendees than online—which means we’re looking for feedback again, from any and all of you, about how we can make these hybrid meetings even better. We’re very grateful to the librarians for all their help.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 20221016

State of the Anthology – Updated

Authors and Editors

Editors are now sending their editing suggestions to the authors. Our assumption is always that the piece you sent, as an author, was in the form you would like it to be in. The purpose of editing is to polish out typos, apply consistent styling across the whole book, and make whatever minimal changes will improve readability. If authors are concerned that too many changes are being asked of them (please remember, any changes have to be approved and edited before the end of October 9th), they should feel free to say no or ask for a second opinion.

Continue reading State of the Anthology – Updated

The Joys of Title Research

So… our Challenges anthology is nearing completion, but still needs a title. You’ve seen the suggestions. You’ve sent in your votes. You’ve help me prune the tree of possible keywords. So now…

  • Top votes went to the title, Journey Through Chaos.
  • Top keyword choices went to Apart and Together, with Quirky and Challenges a close second.
  • Any my personal favorites (’cause if I’m spending all this time, I might as well research my own choices too) were Waiting for Tomorrow and Waiting for Locusts.

Read on to learn what comes next…

Continue reading The Joys of Title Research

Writers’ Mill Minutes August 2020

This month’s speaker was Erik Nebel, whose first book of comics was published in 2014 by Yeti Press. Erik’s work has appeared in Best American Comics 2015 and Best American Comics 2019. Most recently, Erik finished work on a graphic novel adaptation of Tolstoy’s novel, WAR AND PEACE. Find Erik at OUR LIBRARY at

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes August 2020

Emergency Preparedness from Ria’s talk, August 18th 2019

Emergency Preparedness from Ria’s talk, August 18th

Ria has taken the 1st Aid/CPR/AED course eleven times, recently completed the 1st Aid/CPR course for pets (offered by Dove Lewis Pet Hospital), taken “Active Shooter” training, and served on the Building Security Board at work for 15 years.  Continue reading Emergency Preparedness from Ria’s talk, August 18th 2019