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Narrative Voice – from Sheila Deeth’s talk, Feb 2019

Why does Voice matter?

  1. There’s a significant reader commitment when they “buy” your book – 12-24 hours of reading aloud, 6-12 hours spent silently in company of this voice
  2. There’s a significant author commitment too – lots more hours than that writing in this voice, so you’d better enjoy it
  3. Reader/author contract – you will make it worth the reader’s time (they’re paying you in time and money)
  4. Reader expectations –
    1. If it’s a legal contract, should be written in legaleze, but equally…
    2. The tale of a sweet old lady in small-town America probably shouldn’t devolve into pages of swearing
    3. A hard-bitten ex-marine story shouldn’t devolve into delicately phrased romantic pillow-talk
    4. And what about memoir? And what about when it’s not memoir and the comments say,“So sorry this happened to you…”
      1. How do we avoid being identified with first person narrator, vs.
      2. how do we prove we have the right to tell the tale? (Try, “I have some experiences in common with this character, but she isn’t me…”?)

Continue reading Narrative Voice – from Sheila Deeth’s talk, Feb 2019

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201804

Writers’ Mill Minutes  April 15th 2018

Those of you who missed April’s meeting missed a wonderfully informative and encouraging presentation from Oregon Book Award winner and self-published author Joyce Creswell. I wasn’t able to upload the power point presentation to our website, but you can find details here: Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201804

Social Media Workshop at Cedar Mill Library AND Blogging at the Old Church

Want to blog (an important part of Social Media). There’s a social media workshop at the library, Thursdays 1-2:30 : ttp://
 AND there’s a blogging for writers event at the Old Church, Tues May3 7pm:
How can you resist?
 Scroll down for more details of both events

Continue reading Social Media Workshop at Cedar Mill Library AND Blogging at the Old Church

Topics for 2016

In December’s meeting we discussed what topics we might like to hear more about. These included (in approximate order of popularity – PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT if something’s missing, or if you feel something important hasn’t been emphasized enough).

  1. Writing
    1. Creating believable characters/character development
    2. Story arc/story development
    3. Point of view, including distant and close
    4. Turning fact into fiction
    5. Grammar
    6. Historical research and authenticity
    7. Thinking outside the box
  2. Marketing
    1. Book promotion
    2. Blogging
    3. Websites (including WordPress , ipages)
    4. How to get into non-traditional locations – e.g. Starbucks
    5. Networking
  3. Getting published
    1. How to get short stories published
    2. Finding a publisher
    3. How to get poetry published
    4. Genres and book length
    5. Query letters
    6. Self-publishing and Ebook publishing
  4. Editing
    1. How to read like a writer
    2. Editing fiction
    3. Editing poetry
  5. Commitment
    1. Becoming a productive writer – a chapter a week perhaps
    2. How do you finish and how do you know you’ve finished
    3. Difference between novel, novella, short story and other forms.

The Writers’ Mill Sells Books

Last Friday and Saturday, 4th and 5th December, Amelia, Beki, Karin and Sheila manned our table at the Oak Hills Holiday Bazaar, where we sold Writers’ Mill Journals and other books written by or contributed to by members of the Writers’ Mill. Thank you to all who helped make the event a success, especially those who stopped by our table to encourage us (and even to buy books!).


On Sunday, December 6th, Sheila was one of the authors at the Oregon Historical Society Holiday Cheer event.


If you want to be an author there next year, you need to publish a book sometime during 2016. Join us; it’s great fun (and there are Dickensian singers too!) It’s always on the first Sunday of December, and I can give you the contact information.


And for all of us, whenever or however published, don’t forget the Beaverton Library Author Fair. It took place in April last year, so watch out for more information (and please let me know when you hear anything).

The Writers’ Mill Honors Freedom and France


So much history,
Fighting in wars past,
Your people are
France and Freedom.

Mary Jane E

Friday night frivolity turned fatal in France.
Parisians now join the global community of those under seige by unseen enemies.
That community grows.

Jennifer H

I remember they said, “We are all Americans” and everyone cried.
I remember French Fries became Freedom Fries and freedom cried.
They died and we should cry.

Sheila D

Please send SheilaD your sentences (1, 2, or 3, edited or unedited) or add them in comments below.