Category Archives: inspiration

Mystery Workshop with Cindy Brown July 19th 2020

Mystery Workshop with Cindy Brown

Writing Character-Based Mysteries
Cindy Brown

Books: Macdeath, The Sound of Murder, Oliver Twisted, Ivy Get Your Gun, The Phantom of Oz, Killalot, Murder Most Theatrical (Anthology – August 2020)

Continue reading Mystery Workshop with Cindy Brown July 19th 2020

CHALLENGES – 2020 Anthology



Open to

Member of the Writers’ Mill


End of the first Sunday of September

What we’re looking for

Please collect your challenges stories, from Writers’ Mill contests, from your computer, from your dreams and nightmares, or from anywhere else you can find them. Send entries to anthology at portlandwritersmill dot org.

Submission requirements

  • No more than 5 separate entries per person (not counting pictures)
  • No more than 5,000 words in total – for example, you might send one 5,000 word novella, or five 1,000 word essays…
  • Pictures will be included as appropriate. Feel free to send pictures with your entries, or separately from your entries, but remember all images must be royalty-free for us to use them in a published work.

Changing the World through Fiction, with Mollie Hunt

“Today’s society calls for more from a fiction writer than a fluff-piece,” says Mollie Hunt. “It’s our obligation to bring light to the causes and conflicts of our world.” In her presentation, Changing the World Through Fiction, Mollie offered methods that even the coziest of writers can implement to gently present their values within the story. So here, with thanks to Mollie, are her notes from her talk.

Continue reading Changing the World through Fiction, with Mollie Hunt

Writers’ Mill Minutes 202004 April 2020

Twenty-one people attended the first ever online Writers’ Mill meeting this month, including Sheila’s Mum, from England, and Laura (our wonderful host) from the library. We owe a huge thank you to Laura for providing and monitoring the online Zoom room for us.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202004 April 2020

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190915

Writers’ Mill Minutes September 15th 2019

Only 12 people attended Sunday’s meeting – perhaps we need to encourage more new member to join us and stay with us, or else we need to encourage you to brave the weather. If you weren’t at the meeting and feel we’re not addressing your needs, please reply to this email and let me know what you would like us to do differently. We are WRITERS HELPING WRITERS and this is YOUR group. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190915

Writers’ Mill Minutes 201906

Writers’ Mill Minutes 20190616 16th June 2019

Our Writers’ Mill meeting fell on Father’s Day, and those members unable to take time out missed an excellent and inspiring talk about editing from Donna Reynolds, plus the chance for one-on-one advice, fantastic snacks from Robin, and a most productive discussion about our upcoming anthology. Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 201906