Last year, someone recommended that Sheila create a template file that could be used for subsequent anthologies, so she did. It’s a Word Doc rather than a template, and she included (chapters of) instructions on how to use it, in hopes that perhaps someone will take over from her and “use” it next year! The template should also be helpful for anyone who hopes to self-publish their work in a 6×9 inch book.
Continue reading Book TemplateAnthology Deadlines
We had five editors before the meeting, six afterward. Sheila will send the file to all the editors (with their editing assignments) by the end of Monday. Anyone else volunteering to edit needs to contact her (admin @ portlandwritersmill . org, or anthology @ … etc) before then.
Continue reading Anthology DeadlinesWriters Mill Minutes 202408
Writers’ Mill had 10 attendees in-person and 7 on Zoom for a total of 17 at our August meeting. Sheila started the meeting with the usual boring reminders: For online members:
Continue reading Writers Mill Minutes 202408Anthology Update
The deadline for submissions to this year’s anthology was the end of Sunday August 4th. Many thanks to all who sent in submissions. Work has started on putting them all together and we will send out another call for volunteers soon!
The rules are simple:
- Members only
- up to 5 submissions per member
- up to 5,000 words in total per member
Send your submissions to anthology @ portlandwritersmill . org
And watch this space for further news!
Words, words, words
Useful Links from Melanie Dobson’s talk
- a great way to find words (with thanks to Melanie again)
- will give you the first time a word was used
Member Links
Are you on Facebook, LinkedIn, X? Do you have a website? Contact pages @ portlandwritersmill . org to have you links added here.
Continue reading Member LinksGreat Sites for Writing Tips
Find some great sites for writing tips here, and email pages @ portlandwritersmill . org if you have other pages that we should add.
Continue reading Great Sites for Writing TipsWhere to Send It
Please email pages @ portlandwritersmill . org if you find interesting contest pages, journals accepting submissions, helpful places to find journals, etc., so we can add them to this list.
Continue reading Where to Send ItComments Please
Please let us know what you think of the new front page on the site.
Is it easier, harder, or just the same trying to find things?
Is it loading faster, slower, or no difference?
Do you have a wish list of things you want us to add?
Writers’ Mill Minutes 2024 07 21
This month’s meeting was held over zoom due to air conditioning problems at the library. 17 members were present online to hear a talk from Walt Socha, one of our longest standing members.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 2024 07 21