We’d all love our readers to fall into our writing and not know how to get out. Walt showed a great graphic to entice us. But how do we get there?
Continue reading Help your reader get lost in your book, with Walt SochaThe Writers’ Mill FAQ
The Writers’ Mill was started in 2007 and has continued to meet monthly at Cedar Mill Library, in Portland Oregon, under various different leaders since that time. Meetings will usually include:
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Why can’t I read the Website?
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Some Neat Tricks
We told our pre-editors to take out all the tabs (see notes on Style – you don’t need tabs to indent your paragraphs, and you’re really much better off without them). We told you tabs break ebooks. But what if you’re not writing an ebook. What are tabs good for? Well…
Continue reading Tips and Tricks with WordUsing Word with Style
You don’t need to indent your paragraph with a tab, or separate paragraphs with a blank line, or use two spaces after a period, or retype your whole document to submit to an anthology that requires 1.5 line spacing, or indent lines of poetry with three, four, five spaces (and lose count), or …
Continue reading Using Word with StyleWriters’ Mill Anthology Style Guide
Here’s the current Writers’ Mill Style Guide, developed over several years of creating the Writers’ Mill Journal. The aim (for editors) is to edit invisibly.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Anthology Style GuideHow to Use the Navigation Pane
The Playlist Creators for our anthology will use the Navigation pane in Word to move entries around. If you use Heading 3 for the titles of stories and poems (or chapters in your novel), then you have Heading 2 and Heading 1 “spare” to play with. Use Heading 2 to create sections or parts of the book. You’ll probably (maybe) remove these later), but they allow you to drag everything in a particular section from where it is to a new location in the book. All the images and text, from this Heading 2 to the next Heading 2, will move together – no need to cut and paste!
Continue reading How to Use the Navigation PaneHow to Organize your Anthology
Organize an anthology, a poetry collection, a photography book, a collection of essays or stories…
Continue reading How to Organize your AnthologyLay out your book with Word
How to Lay Out a Book just using Word
Word is a word processor, not a layout program, and real layout programs like InDesign will do a better job. But… you probably haven’t got InDesign on your computer, and you probably do have Word. So…
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How to Create a Kindle or ePub version of your Word document
First make sure your Word document is “clean.” Take out the tabs (^t) and manual line breaks (^). Remove the contents list. Use Word ellipses (^i) instead of sets of periods… (see Tips and Tricks with Word). Then…
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