Readings and Releases, from Nancy Woods
Nancy Woods visited the Writers’ Mill in February with members of the Woodshop Writers. She is an author and writing instructor in Portland, and she gave us the following handout of suggested places to give readings, send press releases, and generally advertise our work. Thank you Nancy?
Press Release Example, from Nancy Woods
Nancy Woods visited the Writers’ Mill in February with members of the Woodshop Writers. She is an author and writing instructor in Portland, and she gave us the following Press Release Example as part of her talk. If you’re planning any book readings, this will be invaluable. Thank you Nancy!
Protected: Writers’ Mill Anthologies Poll
Protected: Are you interested in mid-month meetings?
A great opportunity for those of us with books out there: The Beaverton City Library is recruiting writers from the tri-county area for a free local authors book fair, to be held at the Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW Fifth Street, onSaturday, April 25, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Writers from Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties are invited to apply for a space to share and promote their work. All genres are welcome, including young adult and children’s literature. Applications by Feb 15. Contact Shirley Sullivan at ssullivan@BeavertonOregon.
Contest for poets (deadline Valentine’s Day):
Remember Greg Nokes? He spoke to us last year, and he tells us…
An excellent exhibit on African Americans’ struggle for equality in Portland during the 1940s and 1950s is offered at the Oregon Historical Society, sponsored by Oregon Black Pioneers. It will be there through June. Greg Nokes and Jane Kirkpatrick are among the speakers at First Congregational Church in downtown Portland on Saturday, February 21, from 3 to 5 p.m; also at at Champoeg State Park near Portland on Feb. 14 at 1 p.m.
Looking for a place to meet mid-month, maybe for writing exercise or critique? The Java Lounge, not far from the library, might be able to help. Contact me or leave a comment if you’re interested.
Protected: Write your book and get it published, from Steve Theme’s talk
Protected: Minutes 201501
Protected: Minutes 201412
Writers’ Mill in the News
We’re in the news!
We’re in the Beaverton Valley Times; you can read the whole article and enjoy the pictures at
and we’re in the Cedar Mill News:
Plus this!
Many thanks to everyone who made this happen!