Protected: Minutes 201404
Protected: Minutes 201403
And the word was put to paper
In the Beginning, there was The Word…
Created by the Writers. Jwh read & said, “It is Good! Let the World Begin Anew!”
Protected: Minutes 201402
Protected: In Case Of Fire, by Jean Harkin
Protected: Minutes 201401
Plot a Mystery
Plot a mystery
- Imagine you want to write a mystery. Who is your main character?
- Where is your main character?
- Your next nine answers should form a mystery story. At number one, how would you introduce the character and place?
- At number nine how would your story end? Does your MC ride off into the sunset, or jetski into space, or…?
- At number five, what crisis or mystery would you like your character to solve?
- At number seven, how would a second crisis grow from the first one, making it a mystery that really has to be solved?
- At three, how might your character end up in a place where he/she/it would encounter the mystery?
- At two, why would your character end up there?
- At four, give the character a need to care.
- At six, show how one crisis turned into another.
- And at eight, tell how the crisis was resolved by your character before the ending.