Tag Archives: guest speaker
Writers’ Mill Minutes April 21st 2024
Writers’ Mill Minutes, April 21, 2024
Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom
Eight participants attended online, and six were present in the library meeting room, for a total of fourteen. Sheila Deeth led the meeting from her online Zoom perch in Tennessee. She announced at the opening of the meeting that today’s program would be recorded and asked if there were any objections. If so, Zoom attendees could hide their video and remove their surnames from their screens. In person attendees would be invisible anyway, as only today’s speaker, Carolyn Martin, would be on camera at the library.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes April 21st 2024Submissions and Settings with Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin (https://carolynmartinpoet.com/) presented a wonderful hybrid workshop at our hybrid meeting on April 21 2024. The meeting was recorded and can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83Iq4hT0DJA (submissions) followed by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGL4rVOHbR0 (settings)
Continue reading Submissions and Settings with Carolyn MartinCats on the Keyboard, with Mollie Hunt, Dec 17th 2023
Mollie Hunt currently has around 16 published titles: 11 mysteries in two cozy series, 1 standalone novel, 3 science fiction novels, 1 memoir, and 1 book of poetry! A common theme in her books is cats because…
Continue reading Cats on the Keyboard, with Mollie Hunt, Dec 17th 2023Writers’ Mill Minutes, Oct 15, 2023
Our librarian Christine set up the zoom and room, and we had 19 members in total at October’s meeting – 6 in person and 13 online. Sheila started the meeting by reminding in-person attendees to face the microphone when speaking and avoid talking among themselves. Online attendees were reminded to switch on captions and use speaker view, especially to watch our speaker, David Porter, during his talk. David asked if the talk was being recorded, but we can’t record without setting it up before the meeting, and letting everyone know. Maybe it’s something we should think about doing more often—what do you think?
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes, Oct 15, 2023Writers’ Mill Minutes, June 18, 2023
Cedar Mill Library, Beaverton and online Zoom
Six participants attended online, and seven were present in the library meeting room, for a total of thirteen. Zita Podany led the meeting in Sheila Deeth’s absence. Christine Wong managed the technology from the library, with assistance from Matthew McAyeal who coordinated the Zoom chat with library attendees. Jean Harkin took Minutes. We welcomed a new member, Ren.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes, June 18, 2023Writing Advice from Steven Campbell, author of Hard Luck Hank, May 2022
Steven’s conversation touched on many writing topics, so I’ve tried to collect things under headings for you. Please let me know if I’ve missed any favorite nuggets from what he had to say.
Continue reading Writing Advice from Steven Campbell, author of Hard Luck Hank, May 2022Writers’ Mill Minutes October 2020
Writers’ Mill Minutes October 18 2020
Our speaker this month was Joe Biel, a self-made autistic publisher and filmmaker, the founder and CEO of Microcosm Publishing https://microcosmpublishing.com/, and the co-founder of the Portland Zine Symposium. He has been featured in Time Magazine, Publisher’s Weekly, Art of Autism, Utne Reader, Oregonian, Broken Pencil, Punk Planet, Bulletproof Radio, Spectator (Japan), G33K (Korea), and Maximum Rocknroll. He is the author of many books, director of five feature films and hundreds of short films, and he lives in Portland, Ore and his work can be found at joebiel.net
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes October 2020Protected: Monsters are Needy – a talk from Author, Editor and Ghostwriter Erick Mertz
Writers’ Mill Minutes September 2020
September’s Writers’ Mill meeting was well-attended with around 24 members sharing space in the Zoom Room provided by Laura at Cedar Mill library. We enjoyed a particularly good speaker, Erick Mertz, announced contests, discussed the anthology, and generally had a very successful time. If you missed the meeting, do try to join next time.
Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes September 2020